1rst European Padel Controllers Cup

Castelldefels (Barcelona) from 6 to 9 october 2025

10 Padel pistas

Padelarium in Castelldefels, games from 09:00 to 17:00

2 different tournaments

1 ladies tournament, 1 men tournament
Limited number of players of 160 maximum


Each match will run for a series of six sets


Each participant will have to pay for his(her) lunch in the restaurant of the padelarium

Teams already registered

Here the list of Ladies and Men teams registered .
* => Vegetarian person
Hightlighted =>Without hotel

9 Ladies teams

Name Origin
Martinelli Catherine* - Meurisse Emmanuelle LFMM / LFMM
Pinheiro Maria - Lalanda Filipa LPPC / LPPC
Gali Carmen - Trbara Dora LDZA / LDZA
Frazão Catarina - Fontoura Patricia LPPT / LPFR
Romat Charlotte - Della martina Julie LFMN / LFMN
Amzallag Sarah - Demarquet Julia LFMM / LFMM
Jourdan Christelle - Galy Delphine LFMM / LFMM
Helies Laura - Ighil Maud* LFMM / LFMM
María Pérez - Diana Rodríguez LECB / LECB

43 Men teams

Name Origin
Martinelli Laurent - Année Guillaume LFMM / LFMM
Exenberger Georg - Magerle Daniela* LOVV / LOVV
Leunen Rutger - Claassen Thijs EBBR / EBBR
Fellner Wolfgang - Soukup Stefan LOVV / EDMM
Mareen Nico - Van houche Stefaan EBBR / EBBR
Cosyns Peter - Caekebeke Luc EBBR / EBBR
Mokhtar Mimoun - Nieuwlandt Seppe EBBR / EBBR
Leipert Johannes - Roschig Maurice EDDB / EDDB
Josip Šeri - Filip Zbodulja LDZO / LDZO
Leipert Johannes - Roschig Maurice EDDB / EDDB
Valentin Christian - Balaguer Laurent LFMT / LFMT
Stefan piotrowski Stefan - Wittmann Harald LOVV / LOVV
Dechaux Xavier - Passieux Lionel LFMM / LFBO
Bosselut Eric - Collet Clement LFLL / LFMM
Carlos Montes - Sergio Fiz LECB / LECB
Boudy Hugues - Severin Ludovic LFEE / LFML
Karl Roeder - Steve Hanoteau EBBR / EBBR
BÜrgmayr-posseth Arnold - Tokarz Michael LOVV / LOVV
Leal Antonio - Pimenta Pedro LPPT / LPFR
Nascimento Ivo - Ribeiro António LPPC / LPPC
Miguel Girón gutiérrez - Carlota Garcia garcia LECS / LECS
Rosa João - Saramago José LPPC / LPPC
Capela Sergio - Catarina Nuno LPPC / LPPC
Pedrosa Matthieu - Bassou Sylvain LFMM / LFMM
Bringuier Davy - Filippi Jean françois LFMM / LFMM
Harms Daniel - Bucher Andre EDDL / EDDL
Filonzi Alessandro - Coticoni Stefano LIRR / LIMM
Davide Cattaneo - Treglia Roberto LIMM / LIML
Spalloni Federico - Cucchi Valerio LIRR / LIRR
Spalloni Federico - Cucchi Valerio LIRR / LIRR
Kosor Filip - Iveta Pavel LDZO / LDZO
Carlos Martin - Francisco jesÚs Santos GCXO / GCXO
Angelo Tavani - Alessio Nicotra LIRR / LIRR
Baldachino Jean-luc - Leroy Cedric LFMM / LFMM
Turchetti Guillaume - Macé Marc LFBO / TFFF
Gianluca Nocera* - Pietro Dallago LIBB / LIPP
Arumeel Ott - Kuusik Janar EETT / EETT
Nuno ferreira Nuno - Molina Joao LPPT / LPPT
Miguel Ángel Gómez iniesta - David Martínez centurión LECM / LECM
David Hernandez poza - Ismael Gomara alonso LECM / LECM
Irene Robles - Jesús López LECB / LECB
Pablo Barreal adran - José manuel Lobera bodero LECB / LECB
Daniel Grau - Juan Sainz LECB / LECB


The price is unique for every participant. It should be around 600€
150€ will be required to confirm your inscirption before the beginning of march 2025


    • 4 nights in a **** Hotel 5min wlaking to the courts
      3 days tournament from 09:00 to 17:00 + balls
      6th of october: Welcome Party with transfers from/to Hotel
      9th of october: Farewell Party and trophy ceremony with transfers from/to Hotel
      Welcome pack with goodies
  • Tournament and parties only= 240€

    • 6th of october: Welcome Party with transfers from/to Hotel
      9th of october: Farewell Party and trophy ceremony with transfers from/to Hotel
      Welcome pack with goodies
  • The welcome and farewell parties

    The welcome party will take place the first evening (6th of october ), the ladies and men tournaments will be explained during this evening.
    The last evening (the 9th of october) will be the farewell party. Both parties will be all inclusive ... you just come and have fun!


    All the payment will be done on this account :
    SOON Available


    Here is the schedule of the tournament . The hotel is booked from the 6th of october to the 10th of october 2025

    DAY 1 (06/10/2025)

    Arrival in Barcelona . Welcome Party

    DAY 2 (07/10/2025)

    Initial group phase to determine in which group (Main, Plate , Vase) each team will go.
    Game from 08:30 to 17:30

    DAY 3 (08/10/2025)

    Main , Plate, Vase group phase.
    Game from 08:30 to 17:30

    DAY 4 (09/10/2025)

    Knockout Phase.
    Game from 08:30 to 17:30
    Farewell party with rewards ceremony and diner


    The Transportation from your city to Barcelona airport or station is not included in the package .


    You come in Barcelona by your own way , transfer will be organized from airport to the Hotel.

    Rendez vous

    We are waiting for you at the Hotel 4* SB BCN Events in Castelldefels the 6th of october before the Welcome party.


    The hotel 4* is included in the package


    The Hotel 4* is the Hotel SN BCN EVENTS in Castellfedels. Link Hotel SN BCN EVENTS.


    The room will be double room for everybody , please choose your roomate


    The Hotel has 2 swimming-pools and is located at 30min walking from the beach


    You will have to arrange the diners of all evenings except for the Welcome et Farewell parties

    Welcome Party

    The Welcome Party will take place in the restaurant Espectacular Gava Mar, on the beach (Vegetarians were registered during the registration team process , check here ) . .

    Adress Espectacular Gava Mar

    Carrer dels Tellinaires, 08850 Gava, Barcelona


    The diner will be tapas y comidas
    The different tournaments will be explained during the evening

    Espectacular gava mar

    Farewell Party

    The 9th of October in the Restaurant Casanova beach club Castellfedels (Vegetarians have to send a mail to atcpadelcup@gmail.com) . except if allready done for the Welcome :-))

    Adress Casanova Beach Club

    Pg. Marítim, 297, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Espagne

    Farewell party including reward ceremony and of course dancing party

    Diner will be served on a table
    Wine and aperitive will be included
    We will dance and have fun until the end of the night

    Casanova beach club

    Organisation Team

    Here is the first organising committee

    Carlos spain flag

    Executive planner for Spain

    0034 636 78 14 97

    Sarah spain flag

    French master organiser

    0033 664 47 08 84

    Guillaume spain flag

    European Coordination Executive officer

    0033 648 09 30 85


    If you have any question don't hesitate to send us a mail ou a texto



    Join the Whatsapp group

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